In an umbel the pedicels (flower-stalks) radiate from one point. Panicle on goldenrod ( Solidago sp.) Panicle on palm ( Ptychosperma sp.). The term is often applied loosely to any multi-branched inflorescence. Corymb on yellowtops ( Flaveria linearis) Panicle InflorescenceĪ panicle is a raceme of racemes. Raceme of fruits on back senna ( Seymeria pectinata) Corymb InflorescenceĪ corymb is a raceme where all the flowers are at the same level.
Racemes on queen’s wreath ( Petrea volubilis). Spikes on cockscomb ( Celosia spicata) Spike on golden clubs ( Orontium aquaticum) Raceme InflorescenceĪ raceme resembles a spike but has the flowers or fruits on stalks (pedicels). This animation is a a review of the birds and the bees, and the bears CLICK InflorescencesĪ spike has the flowers sessile (seated directly with no pedicels) on a stem.